All posts by Rebecca Dumzor

Ghecos Evolution Title Workshop

In this workshop we are looking at how we would like to design the overall feeling of the cartoon movie part of the project and as such we continue to revise the “Ghecos Evolution” development of scenes and characters. As an example we have put together a short title demo and added a brief glimpse of a new character.
Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Afreeka Monster Workshop 03

Ghecos Creature 03
Ghecos Creature 03

A Ghecos Creature from the Afreeka Monster Workshop. An Ananse Amazon Winged creature which could be featured in night scenes in the Chronicles of Een.

Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Anasite fears the beast within

Ghana Comic Chronicles of Een – Anasite

Anasite Fear the beast within
Anasite Fear

A young Nyam boy was separated from his tribe during the commotion and finds himself lost in a city ruin. Running for days from a creature so terrifying, caused him to forget what he was doing or where he was going. He blinks through momentary flashbacks of the attack and is scared beyond comprehension to a point that he cannot move and although the water he now stands causes him to shiver, he dare not make a sound.

He knows something is wrong, he knows something about him has changed and fortunate for him he will not remember what comes next.

Anasite Fear the beast within
Anasite Fear the beast

He stumbles on a rock beneath him and then it happens… with excruciating pain he screams, his heart beat quickens at an alarming pace, he clutches his chest piercing his bosom with his fingernails and stands paralysed like a zombie as the pain ripples through his mind, body and soul, and in a flash the pain is gone.

He pulls himself together in the still night and hears nothing but the cold running waters lapping at his thighs, hesitantly he steps forward, first one foot and then another. He stops, listens and then continues to wade across the void before him. He realises the stillness, no sound, in fact what worries him most, no heartbeat.  He snaps his head left and right and slowly tilts his head to gaze at the shimmering water, but for some reason no longer fears.

Anasite Fear the beast within
Anasite Fear the beast within

He feels odd in someway, heavy. He feels slow but yet strong. He continues to wade and catches a glimpse of a shadow in the moonlight, he turns but it’s gone. He stops and bends to cup water in his hands to drink and then yells out a monstrous roar, louder than 100 lions on an african savanna.. His worst nightmare… there’s hideous creature in the palm of his hands… he cries and then weeps for the transformation is complete! He is his worst fear! He has become one of them! – An Anasite beast.

Anasite Fear the beast for it is within
Anasite Fear the beast within to be continued…

Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Afreeka Monster Workshop 05

Ghecos Creature 05
Ghecos Creature 05

A Ghecos Creature from the Afreeka Monster Workshop. This is a creature from the woodlands with an attitude problem and could be featured in the Chronicles of Een

Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Afreeka Monster Workshop 02

Ghecos Creature 02
Ghecos Creature 02

A Ghecos Creature from the Afreeka Monster Workshop. An Ananse Amazon land creature which could be featured in the forests of Chronicles of Een.

Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Afreeka Monster Workshop

Ghecos Creature 01
Ghecos_Creature 01

A Ghecos Creature from the Afreeka Monster Workshop. This is a carnivorous land creature and could be featured in the Chronicles of Een.

Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Afreeka Monster Workshop 04

Ghecos Creature 04
Ghecos Creature 04

A Ghecos Creature from the Afreeka Monster Workshop. This is an omnivorous land creature and could be featured in the Chronicles of Een.

Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Flying Creature Test Path 1

Ghana Comic Flying Creature Test Path 1 for Afreeka Radio Project, a production work flow test for Youtube, Ghana Comic, Ghana Cartoon, Ananse, Ananse Amazon, Ananse Universe, Ananse Atlantic, Chronicles of Een, Chronicles of Muna, Chronicles of Irofo, Nyamites, Anasites,

Multimedia Studio Resource for Ghanaian Youth. is our online resource for developing social networking for young Ghanaians around the world.
Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

Land Mass Scenery

Water World Land Mass Scenery

Developing under water land mass scenery for the Chronicles of Irofo is a process which has some challenges such as mixing light reflection and refraction.

We step through the initial task of first designing what kind of land masses that will work for our story, where creatures of a mermaid like physique will dwell in, whilst they farm sea beds for plant life and ocean creatures.
There will exist some historical architecture that represents days gone by where their ancestors rose and fell at the hands of natural ecosystem forces and wars of the past.
Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network

We also created an audio mood music snippet track for Ghana Movie Music.

Mountain Green Valley

Mountains and Green Valleys…The clip posted is a snippet from Ananse Amazon Scenery we’re creating to be populated by a few villages. The terrain design is based on a combination of sunset memories of central-northern Ghana.
The scene is a generalised scene to be refined and the music is a snippet created in the virtual Afreeka Radio Studio.
Ghana Comics, Ghana Comic Network